Asset Management. What Is It, and How Can It Help Me?

What is Asset Management? These days, nearly every organization uses computers, printers, fax machines, and other assets. In most organizations, the IT department (the department in charge of the organization’s computers and information processing) handles the assets.

How to Implement Successful Help Desk

In any organization, employees encounter problems with their computers, printers, and other machines. These include hardware breakdowns, software problems, computer viruses, printers running out of paper, and more. In medium to large organizations, an IT department will deal with such problems. This article discusses how IT can achieve easy, efficient methodologies for this task.

Help Desk Software Functions

But how do help desks normally work? What are the typical functions? Why have software? These are all valid and important questions… and questions that should be periodically considered even when a help desk is already established and functioning. Hopefully, this section will answer these and other related questions.

Open Source Help Desk List

Asset Tracker Create multiple asset databases containing any information you wish to keep track of. Some examples: put all your IT infrastructure into the database, or if you are a building manager, put all your facilities equipment in the database. Can also integrate with other systems via plugins. BATTS Open source help desk software, designed…

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The U.S. Air Force, Anti-Gravitation & UFO’s

by Dr. Pierre Gurin (Specially written for Lumires Dans La Nuit and for Flying Saucer Review.) (Translated from author’s original text by Gordon Creighton.) [Literally within less than a week after I had jotted down my revised thoughts on Roswell and Colonel Philip Corso (see Editorial), I was amazed to receive the following astonishing document…

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Hawking’s future is Serenity not Star Trek

By Stan Beer, As far as Hawking is concerned, planet earth one way or another will meet its destruction. The way forward, however, is not to go boldly forth and meet alien civilizations a la Star Trek. In Hawking’s future, humans will become space pioneers who tame and inhabit suitable planets outside our solar system,…

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Ericsson, Intel collaborate to push mobile broadband

Ericsson has entered into a joint effort with Intel Corp. to accelerate deployment of services and applications on mobile PCs, powered by Ericsson’s HSDPA-based mobile broadband and IMS solutions and Intel Core Microarchitecture for mobile clients and servers.